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世界に誇る日本のキャラクター文化・Japan's World-Class Character Culture

執筆者の写真: Mariko OkuMariko Oku


After walking through the bamboo grove and paying a visit to the Nonomiya Shrine, I was drawn to the cute and eye-catching Arashiyama Rirakkuma Tea House. (Rilakkuma is one of popular healing characters in Japan.)

チョコアイスのりらっくま、ゆずアイスのこりらっくまと迷いましたが、 こりらっくまのふわふわハニー生ドラアイスの方を注文。

Can’t make up my mind which one to choose、but finally ordered the fluffy honey fresh Dora ice cream with Korirakkuma character design.


Just looking at the character calms me down❤︎

全身の筋肉の力がゆるゆると抜けていくくらいの癒し感を与えてくれます。 It gives me a sense of healing that makes all the muscles in my body loosen up and relax.


This is Rirakkuma Jizo. It has a healing halo.

この癒し与えっぷりは、キャラクター界の綾瀬はるかですね! Rirraluma has a somewhat conforting charm and it is kinda Haruka Ayase(Japanese famous comforting actress) of the character world!

「kawaii」 が世界共通ごとなるくらい、日本は可愛いキャラクター大国で知られていますね。 Japan is such a country filled with tremendous cute characters、so that "kawaii" has become a universal term in the world.

こちらは嵐電と鬼滅の刃のコラボドリンク。 This is a collaboration drink between Rangiden and Demon Slayers.


Here, there, and everywhere! You see various characters everywhere in Japan.

今や日本のキャラクター文化は、世界に誇る大切な日本文化として、世界中の人からも常に脚光を浴びています。 Nowadays, Japanese character culture is always in the spotlight as an important part of Japanese culture that we can be proud of.

さて、なぜ日本ではこんなにキャラクター文化が発達しているのでしょうか? Now, why is it that character culture has developed so much in Japan?

私は、古来から脈々と日本人の遺伝子の中に受け継がれている、森羅万象全てと相和す感性、自然と対話する力、優れた直感力によるところが,閃きによりキャラクターを創造する力に繋がっていることが大きいのではないかと思っております。 I believe that it is due to the sensibility that is in harmony with all things in the universe, the ability to interact with nature, and the superior intuition that has been passed down in the genes of the Japanese people since ancient times, which have led to the ability to create characters through inspiration.

この世の全ては波動で出来ていますが、超古代の人々は、自身の周波数を自在に変えて、植物や動物とも会話することが出来たと言われています。 Everything in this world is made up of vibrations, and it is said that in the very ancient times, people were able to change their own frequencies at will and talk to plants and animals.

修験者は、山に登拝するときなど、自然の微細な周波数に合わせるために、肉食を断ち、潔斎する期間を儲けますが、そうすることで自分の周波数がより細かくなり、自然と馴染めるようになります。 Shugendo (asceticism) practitioners abstain from eating meat and spend a period of time in purification in order to match the fine frequency of nature, such as when we climb mountains.

私も時々妖精を見かけたり、またテレパシー的に自然の思いを感じることがありますが、キャラクターとはまさに、自然で言うところの妖精的な存在でもあるような、そんな気もいたします。 I sometimes see fairies and feel nature's thoughts telepathically. I feel that characters are just like fairies in nature.






I feel that characters are loved by many people because, just like nature, they never ask for anything in return, but give their overflowing love to all beings equally, and never betray them.

私もりらっくまのような癒し系キャラを見習い、癒しの人でありたいです♪ そのためには、いつもニコニコ笑顔で、毎日をハッピーに生きることが大切ですね♪ I would like to follow Rirakkuma to be a healing person.

In order to do so, it’s important to always smile and be happy every day, isn’t it?

人々に笑顔をプレゼントしてくれる日本のキャラクター文化は、世界に発信することで、世界の人々も笑顔になり、喜び溢れる世界へと地球を変えていきます。 Japan's character culture, which gives people the gift of smiles, can be transmitted to the rest of the world, which will in turn bring smiles to the people of the world.

Smiles has the power to change the earth into a world filled with full of joy.


I would like to pay tribute to the Japanese character culture that contributes to world peace from the bottom of my heart.



iI saw the energy of dragons in the sky above Tenryu-ji Temple.

I have a feeling that a new big change is coming.





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